
The BUILD YOUR LIST: OPT-IN PACKAGE will build your email list using YOUR knowledge of your ideal client coupled with my creative copy and design skills. 


The BUILD YOUR LIST: LEAD MAGNET PACKAGE will build your email list using YOUR knowledge of your ideal client coupled with my creative copy and design skills. 
This package includes:
  • One four-page digital download
  • Two automated emails
  • One digital form to collect emails
  • Two graphics for website and social sharing
  • Installation on website and integration with email platform

Opt-In Download: Four pages … a cover, two pages related to the Opt-In topic, then a Next Steps page with a strong call to action. The document is created in Canva and delivered as a website-ready, downloadable PDF.

Email Automation: Two emails – the first email confirming their email address and delivering the Opt-In PDF, the second email following up a few days later with more information about the topic and how/where to work/buy from you.

Opt-In Email Address Collection Form: The form that collects the email addresses is usually created inside the email platform you’ll be using for your email marketing.

Graphic Design: Two graphics will be created in Canva – one to be used on the Opt-In form and another optimized for posting on social for cross-promoting the download.

Installation: The email address collection form will be installed on your website using a designated shortcode. If your email platform supports tagging, the emails will include a tag stating they were part of the opt-in automation.